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The Rock Rider – an ultra light in-mold climbing helmet with a wide range of uses.

Mammut Logo

Working for a brand like Mammut is something very special indeed. Mammut is one of the most important manufacturers in the field of sport climbing, alpine and outdoor products. Permanent innovation is the drive behind the traditional company. The products are characterised by maximum quality, functionality and safety. There are hardly any climbers or alpinists who do not know the logo with the black mammoth.

Mammut Kletterer

The in-mold rock rider climbing helmet

We have achieved an ultra light in-mold climbing helmet with a wide range of uses with the Rock Rider. From sport climbers to alpine multi-rope routes and from classic alpine tours to ice and mixed climbing – the performance of this helmet is outstanding in any terrain!

Coleo Showroom Mammut Helmet Animation

Hard Facts

SKILL AREA Product design
WEIGHT 234 g
DESIGN In-mold
PRODUCT AREA Sport climbing
IDEAL FOR Big wall climbing
SUITABLE FOR Fixed rope route
EQUIPMENT 4 head lamp clips
DETAILS Adjustable headband
STANDARDS EN standard 12492
TEST SYMBOL UIAA standard 106
Mammut Panorama 2

Performance & hold

We have achieved the maximum possible climate comfort during strenuous climbs thanks to sixteen ventilation openings combined with air channels inside the helmet. The versatile, adjustable carry system guarantees perfect hold and excellent wear comfort.

Mammut 3 Aufgehellt
Mammut 5

Ergonomic & light

The extremely light Rock Rider has an EPS core and a permanently welded helmet shell. An ergonomic inside shape with comfortable padding was also particularly important to us. The carry system can be folded into the helmet shell to save space for transport on the rock face. The Rock Rider's four sturdy clips firmly and securely accommodate a headlamp for an alpine start in the early hours of the morning.

Coleo Showroom Mammut Slide1
Coleo Showroom Mammut Slide2
Coleo Showroom Mammut Slide3
Coleo Showroom Mammut Slide4

We test our products ourselves

The result of this helmet shows how passionately coleo design deals with the products. We examine our developments with utmost precision, test ourselves, interview others and collect their opinions. coleo design turns the models into reality in the in-house workshop. This allows the customer's requirements to be promptly implemented without diversions. Not only the dimensions and proportions can be assessed on the basis of the design model, but above all the surface finishes, contours and fit.

Mammut Quote Schmid

»Designing products that I use and appreciate myself motivates me every single day. I know exactly what the user needs«.

Birte Zahrenhusen
Product designer at coleo design GmbH